Scientific service summary 2022
labGEOTOP Service - Geochemistry Laboratory
We support multidisciplinary research in Geosciences for public and private institutions at both a national and international level by using high-performance laboratories and equipment. We have solid experience in solving the analytical challenges posed by geological and environmental samples.
Staff: José-Luis Fernández-Turiel, scientific director (CSIC) and Marta Rejas, technical director (CSIC).
Borehole Geophysical Logging Lab-Scientific Boreholes Almera
Two scientific boreholes were drilled as part of the subsurface research infrastructure of Geociencias Barcelona in cooperation with the Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona. The Almera-1 borehole is 214.20 m deep and is used as an experimental facility for the development of geophysical logging and monitoring research. The hole Almera-2 is 1 m away from Almera-1, reaching a depth of 46 m, and is meant to carry out routine piezometric measurements and crosshole experiments. A subsurface connection for cables and tools with the boreholes and monitoring research lab inside the GEO3BCN building facilitate long term and continuous monitoring and control from the lab.
Staff: María José Jurado (CSIC)
Laboratory of Geochronology
(Th-230/U-234 )
The laboratory is equipped with alpha spectrometers with silicon surface barrier detectors to determine the age of carbonate rocks between 3.000 and 350.000 years old.
Staff: Santiago Giralt, scientific director (CSIC) and Graciela Monzón, technical director (CSIC).
Laboratory of Geodynamic Modelling
The laboratory offers high-performance computing applied to geodynamic and micro-dynamic processes, knowledge in the study of the lithosphere and upper mantle structure, geodynamic interactions with surface processes, and polar ice deformation, locallydeveloped code, and expertise in scientific software development, and an augmented reality sandbox for outreach purposes.
Staff: Ivone Jiménez Munt, scientific director (CSIC), Daniel García Castellanos, scientific director, Jaume Vergés, research professor and Montserrat Torné, research scientist.
Our recently created Laboratory of Hyper-Spectral Imaging has the goal of acquiring 3D reflectance arrays (“hyperspectral cubes”) of relevant targets in both the laboratory and the field. This goal includes hyper-spectral images of hand samples and panoramic images of outcrops. Our current equipment includes hyper-spectral cameras and a portable spectrometer.
Staff: Agustín Lobo (CSIC), Jordi Ibañez (CSIC) and Robert Oliva (CSIC).
Laboratory of Optic and Electron Microscopy and Image Analysis (MICROLab)
Our main goal is the physical and chemical characterisation of natural (minerals) and synthetic (alloys) materials across different working scales, in order to facilitate the institute’s research activity and meet external demands.
Staff: Joan Martí, scientific director (CSIC).
Laboratory of Palaeoecology (PALAB)
PALAB processes and analyses sedimentary samples for studies in Quaternary paleoecology, paleoclimatology, and climate change, radiocarbon dating, archeology, and biostratigraphy. The service is focused on the preparation of samples for palynological analysis and for both micro and macro charcoal analyses.
Staff: Encarnación Montoya Romo, researcher scientist, Mari Carmen Trapote, technical staff (CSIC) and Núria Cañellas Boltà, technical staff (CSIC).
Laboratory of Raman Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence
The physical properties of solids are characterized using the analysis of their vibrational spectrum obtained with light scattering experiments. The vibrational modes are ‘fingerprints’ of the crystalline structure, allowing qualitative detection of components and providing information about structural modifications such as strain and deformations, phase changes, or compositional alterations.
Staff: Ramon Cuscó (CSIC), Jordi Ibáñez (CSIC) and Robert Oliva (CSIC).
Paleomagnetic Laboratory (CCiTUB-CSIC)
The Paleomagnetic Laboratory (CCiTUB/GEO3BCN-CSIC) provides technical support to research groups working in the geosciences. Its research lines include magnetostratigraphic dating, paleomagnetism and AMS in
fold and thrust belts, archaeomagnetic dating and geomagnetism, as well as magnetic properties of the sedimentary record (paleoenvironmental and
paleoclimatic changes).
Staff: Elisabet Beamud, technical sirector (CCiTUB), Santiago Giralt, scientific director (CSIC), Miguel Garcés, scientific director (UB) and Estefanía Maestre, technical staff (CSIC).
Seismic Laboratory (LabSis)
The GEO3BCN-CSIC Seismic Facility (LabSis) offers a Data Acquisition Pool, composed of seismic instruments intended to be used in temporary deployments, and a Seismic Processing Centre, equipped with servers devoted to computation, management of storage systems, data distribution and near real-time data
Staff: Jordi Díaz Cusí, scientific director (CSIC), Mario Ruíz, technical director (CSIC), Ramon Carbonell, research professor (CSIC) and Martin Schimmel, research scientist (CSIC).
X-Ray Diffraction Service
We are specialized in the characterisation of crystalline phases of materials using in situ X-Ray Diffraction and elemental analysis using a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometer. We provide analytical support to research groups and companies working in geology, materials science, industrial hygiene, construction, catering, and forensics.
Staff: Jordi Ibáñez (CSIC), Josep Elvira (CSIC) and María Soledad Álvarez (CSIC).
The SIMGEO Facility (UB-CSIC)
SIMGEO Facility, the only one of its kind in Spain, aims to promote the use of experimental models to study geological processes -in particular those which pose a risk to the population, environment, or are related to energy and economic resources.
Staff: Joan Martí, scientific director (CSIC).